We're at a time on the planet where we're being asked to reclaim our belonging to deep wilderness- both the kind that exists inside ourselves, and the kind that exists outside ourselves. The skin is a mirror line on which this work pivots. 

In the old spiritual schools, the first thing a novice was asked to do was chop wood and carry water. At Mountain Horse School, we hope to empower you with some of these basic competencies of belonging to help you find your songline again, woven through the great song of the world. 


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I've always believed there is an essential wildness in the heart of all things, that enables them to respond to evolutionary pressures. What is the goal of pressure? What question is life Making of us? The goal is more beauty, always. More thriving. More diversity. More reciprocity. More complexity in our human and more-than-human relationships. 

As a certified Equine Guided Learning, Therapeutic Riding, and Daoist Stone Medicine Practitioner, horses have been the ones to carry me from the default world into the world of magic. They've opened the gates of nature and broken me open to the touch of the wider world, and led me from my small self into my larger self, from the boundaries of my human ego into the song of all there is. 

My hope is that I can inspire you to remember your own belonging to the wider world, and for you to feel supported as an integral jewel in the shimmering tapestry of the web of life. Let's change the world together, through the spell of our own becoming. 

"I am profoundly grateful for our session together and I have been dipping into it and savoring it for the last several days. [It] really brought me back into my heart and who I know myself to be... [and] moved me so deeply on a spiritual and emotional level.

You have such a wonderful way about you and your healings and of course I deeply love your profound connection with the animals which means so much to me. Thank you again so much."

 -Nicole Foos

"Writing the Wild Alive moved me to tears several times. I never expected to receive such a deep healing from an online course. 

There were so many profound insights and moments that I'm still processing, and will likely return to the replay again and again."

- KG

Online offerings to support your becoming:


Distance Healing + Wayfinding Sessions

One-on-One alchemical combination of myth-making, Daoist Stone medicine, horse medicine, and consultation with wild life force. What wants to flow through you in this moment? What longs to be revealed?


Writing the Wild Alive Online Course

The world is no longer as it was. Old systems are coming apart, allowing new ways of being to set tendrils out of the cracks. What can the practice of writing by hand teach us about remaining open to the unknown? Can it wake us from the spell of reactivity and sculpt us into creators of what's to come?


The Wild Heart Apprenticeship 

A 12 month medicine journey where we become our own medicine, learn to bloom where we are planted, and offer our soil, light and beauty to the world

Coming May 2024

Integrating Wild Connection

Receive our monthy newsletter of liminal intersections between human and more-than-human worlds